Wednesday, August 19, 2015

I Miss My Daddy

My daddy, Eulon Adron Page
This is just a little short and, very personal blog this morning.
Maybe there's a purpose in this blog.
Maybe it will help someone mend a relationship before any more time has been wasted.
My mind has been on my daddy the last few days, and how much I loved him.
And the regrets.
Those wasted moments, days and, yes, even years.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Five Favorite Diffuser Blends for those Dog Days of Summer

Are you ready for Fall? I am...temperatures in our forecast are supposed to be up around 110 by the weekend.


The countdown to Autumn has begun!

It's that time of year that I rarely go outdoors. I just sort of hunker down inside and count the days until Fall.

A good diffuser blend helps the mood a bit, it's easy to imagine the crisp smells of Autumn, pumpkins and gold and purple mums on the porch, etc. I've even found myself wishing for snow already.

Here are five of my favorite diffuser blends to help me deal with those "dog days" of Summer.

You'll probably notice that each of these blends contains White Fir, I suppose it speaks to me more than any other Essential Oil for the diffuser. It just takes me to a happy place!